Eat Mi AI APP.

Android based app built using Artificial Intelligence to weed out all the toxic food items that get into your home and your body.

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Mumbai, India

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There is a whole lot of junk and toxic ingredients that go inside our body through packaged and processed food we eat.

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Visit The Store

We can not ask the store keeper nor can we check each and every product to find what kind of harmful ingredients are there in the product we are purchasing.

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Download Eat Mi In: The AI-enabled App that will help you identify unhealthy packaged food products so that you can discard them from your cart.

Nutrition app for Android
Eat Mi AI App
Download Eat Mi App

Available As An APK For Android Device

1. Download the latest version of the software (1.2) by clicking here. You can also download the software from third party sites:

  • Eat Mi 1.1 Download at
  • Eat Mi 1.1 Ai App from Apkfiles
  • 2. After installing and running the app, Enter the name of the product you wish to purchase for consumption in the area which says 'Product Name'.
    3. Hit Enter or AI and the software will give you the results below in the 'Eat Right' area.
    Note: This is not medical advice!



    Creator of Eat Mi AI App (@JVW)

0+ Years

Professional experience

0 + Products

Analysed for toxicity


Can Try Out This App

Meet Our Experts:


Co-Creator, Developer

(+91) 95 946 xxxxx

Team Image 1


Co-Creator, Developer, Founder

(+91) 95 946 xxxxx

Team Image 2
Core Features

What Makes Us Different

Where most apps are trying to figure out how much calories you have burnt or the amount of fat and sugar you will find in the packaged product you are about to consume but, Eat Mi AI App, suggests what is harmful in the product you are about to buy.

The AI App is made in India but is not restricted to products that are available in India. You can use the software whether you are in Europe or Asia or absolutely any part of the world. Note: Currently the app is only available in English.

If you have a solution, idea or feedback on how this APP can be improved then we are all ears. Reach us through the feedback form on the contact us page.

AI is in it's early stage and so is this product (Note: we are NOT NASA). We keep updating the app based on new data we receive and feedback we get from our users.

Change The Way

You Eat

Eat only healthy, natural or organic food items and use Eat Mi AI App to check all packaged food products before you buy them from the market or store.

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